



Salamander Technologies' Accountability Solutions provide agencies across North America with a fully interoperable emergency incident command structure based upon NIMS operating procedures. Mutual Aid need only to arrive on-scene with the interTRAX barcoded ID Tag - whether it is a standard clip-on "dog" tag, a velcro "PASSport", or a plastic hard card. A interTRAX barcoded ID tag contains agency specifics, personnel info, rank, qualifications, and vital medical data. Currently, more than 3,000 agencies throughout North America are able to work together in this way.
Manual Accountability
“Dog Tags”
“Clemons System”
Manual ACCOUNTABILITY, formerly known as fireTRAX, this traditional
2-tag accountability system features collection rings and boards.
Tags include a PDF417 interTRAX barcode to be compatible with
automated tracking – perfect for volunteer departments and mutual
Traditional 2-tag system-survivable back-up
Compatible with automated system (PDF417 Barcode)
MOBILE handheld units capture data from ID tags for assigning and
tracking personnel and equipment. For larger incidents, synch data
to Command.
Handheld unit captures data from IDs
Assigns and tracks personnel and equipment
Company or group tracking
Syncs data to COMMAND
MOBILE PIV is our mobile solution for Personnel Identity
Verification (PIV) of FIPS 201/FRAC smart-cards. MOBILE PIV is
CoreStreet enabled for connecting to the Federal Bridge.
COMMAND is essentially an electronic command board.
Consolidates mobile data into summary tactical diagram
Functions as an electronic command board
Summary PAR reports and multiple timers
Interagency: track all responders, visitors, patients, evacuees and
Syncs data to interTRAX exchange
Available in a self-contained work center/carry case
Constant awareness
of the status and locations of personnel at your site is the cornerstone
of fire ground safety. NFPA 1561 mandates the use of an accountability
system – including the ability to rapidly Account for personnel on scene
as well as special tracking of crews in the Hot Zone.
Salamander Technologies is the leading supplier of accountability
solutions in the USA with more than 400 automated systems installed
and over 3,000 manual accountability customers nationwide. Prominent
customers include the United States Capital Police, Dallas-Ft. Worth
Dept. of Health, City of Richmond, Dept. of Defense Fire Training
Academy, Redstone Arsenal, State of Michigan USAR, Pocono Raceway,
and Michigan State Police - Super Bowl Security.
The goal of our solution is simple: to unite our country's
emergency services with interoperable, NIMS compatible systems for
tracking all responders, volunteers, and victims at an incident.
Tracking information is managed on-scene to ensure accountability,
safety, and site access control. The information is made available
to off-scene facilities for wide-area resource management during a
public safety or public health emergency.
The five guiding principals of our solutions:
Both manual and electronic methods of accountability with a
historical standard SOP and a “no typing” comprehensive electronic
From a basic EMS run to a five-alarm, multiple structure fire,
Salamander Technologies’ Solutions can scale with one SOP.
Rugged hardware, redundant methods and systems, historical data,
archive able, lends new meaning to “Everybody Goes Home.”
Scene management, data protection/privacy, access control of who,
what, when, where, and why.
Unites mutual aid with common ID format and tracking system.
These five principles extend to data management at your command
post. From a simple manual accountability system, to a handheld
mobile unit, to a laptop PC that turns into an Electronic Command
Board - you can graphically display all responding units, personnel,
victims, and assets with one solution. NIMS compatible
accountability is the call: Salamander Technologies’ Accountability
Solutions are the answer.
FIRE DEPARTMENTS - Truck checks, hydro-testing, and periodic
maintenance (NFPA 1851).
HEALTH DEPARTMENTS - POD management, vaccination distribution, and
inventory control.
EMS AGENCIES - Expiration dates, consumables, and periodic
LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES - Evidence tracking, weapons
accountability, periodic maintenance (squad cars).
HAZMAT TEAMS - Consumables, FEMA reimbursement, expiration dates,
and equipment calibration.
AssetTRAX provides a fast and accurate solution featuring easy “aim
and shoot” barcode scanning, cutting hours off of periodic equipment
checks, inspections, maintenance procedures, and physical
inventories. assetTRAX makes it easy to maintain a historical record
and audit trail providing 100% accountability for all assets that
need to be managed.

Fire Fighter Accountability Systems, Wireless Fire Fighter Accountability Systems, Clemens, FireTrax, MedTrax, AssetTrax, RapidTag, Dogtags |
Accountability Systems, Fire Fighter Accountability Systems, Wireless Fire Fighter Accountability Systems, Clemens, FireTrax, MedTrax, AssetTrax, RapidTag, Barcode Systems, Disaster Management Systems, Mass Casualty Accountability Systems, Dogtags |

